Xeriscape yard

Why a Xeriscape Yard?

Let’s be honest—lawns and gardens can use up a lot of water. And areas where water scarcity is a pressing concern, lawns that require less water have become increasingly attractive. Xeriscaping is a great way to conserve water and still maintain a beautiful yard, as it incorporates colorful, native plants that don’t require much water. Here are four reasons to consider why you may want to Xeriscape your home.

1. Water conservation

On an average summer day, it takes 125 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet to water your lawn. You can help conserve water with a Xeriscape yard, which needs significantly less water.

2. Cost savings

There’s an upfront cost to Xeriscaping your yard, but you’ll be able to make your money back with all the money you’ll be saving on water. As aforementioned, a normal yard requires a lot of water, and hence a lot of money. With a Xeriscape yard, you’ll save yourself a pretty penny.

3. Low maintenance

In addition to water, normal yards require mowing, pruning, edging, and more to keep them looking nice. But not everyone has time for that. Because a Xeriscape yard is usually filled with materials like rock, wood, stone, and drought-resistance plants, you’ll spend much less time trying to maintain it.

4. Unique, pretty yard

Unlike Zeroscaping, you’re not going to end up with a yard of straight rocks. Xeriscaping still creates beautiful yards full of colorful plants—you just eliminate a lot of the downsides of a regular yard. There’s also a lot of creativity that is possible with a Xeriscape yard that you don’t have with a regular grass lawn, which provides an opportunity to make your yard both beautiful and unique.

Converting your lawn into a Xeriscape yard may feel daunting, but there are lots of great benefits to having one. We hope you consider these points as you move forward with a decision about your yard.